Andrew Von Sonn

Books - The Money Rebellion

Mayflower Unlimited publishes books designed to aid you in realizing your intrinsic Right to Liberty and how it applies to your life right now. Our aim is to inform, entertain, and inspire.

The Money Rebellion The Money Rebellion, written and illustrated by Andrew Von Sonn, is a satirical look at money and taxes. It's about an alternative computer banking system that challenges the status quo and the powers that be. Its purpose is to communicate a conceptual picture of "money" and "money systems," and offer some possible future alternatives. It's also filled with plenty of cartoons and laughs.

Read it right now, right here for free!

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Please contact us to be informed when the paperback edition is made available again (60 pages including front and back cover).

The Kindle edition for Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, PC and Mac is available from for $6.95.

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